Food delivery service is very common, to ensure the safety of takeaway plastic tableware used by food outlets, the Consumer Council and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) tested 30 samples of plastic tableware collected from 15 food outlets to test their contents of extractable substances. Details of the report has been published in issue 331 Consumer Report.
The current test is conducted using national standard “Hygienic standard of products of polyvinyl chloride for food packaging”, testing criteria include evaporation residue, consumption of potassium permanganate, and lead content. Human health may be affected if the release or dissolution amount of these three substances exceed safety standards, for example, lead causes digestive problems, anemia or brain disease, etc.. Test results of all samples are satisfactory.
The testing report points out that resistance to acidic or alkaline foods and resistance to temperature of different kinds of plastic vary, difference also exists in the period of time for food to be in contact with the tableware. The food and beverage industry and consumers are reminded to understand the characteristics of plastic tableware and choose suitable tableware for holding food products. The latest Consumer Report includes a feature on the characteristics of the commonly used plastics and the numbers used to define different types of plastic.
Personal utensils recommended for takeaway
Consumers are suggested to use their own utensils when ordering takeaway from food outlets to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic and to lower the effect caused to our environment.
Protection measures for local citizens purchasing properties in Mainland
To enhance protection on local citizens in purchasing properties in the Mainland and to raise their awareness in the relevant risks, the Consumer Council and a number of cities in the Greater Bay Area have set up the “Joint prevention mechanism for Macao citizens purchasing real estate in the Mainland”, a special webpage called “Purchasing real estates in Mainland” is also available on the Council’s website for consumers’ checking of “5 licenses” and other information offered by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The Council will also hold a series of forum to local organisations to spread the relevant information to communities.
The public is welcome to call the Council at 8988 7326 or make reservation through “Consumer Online” e-services platform.
Consumer alert: expiry date of discount voucher
A feature on how to calculate the expiry date of discount voucher in accordance with articles from the Civil Code is included in the current issue no. 331 Consumer Report.
Other articles featured include the annual theme of Consumers International and China Consumers Association and the price comparison function on “Macao Supermarket Price Information Platform”.
Consumers may read the magazine on the Council’s website (www.consumer.gov.mo) or get access on the Council’s WeChat account.
For enquiry, please call 8988 9315.