In order to increase the green quality of the city, the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) intends to plant around 5,000 trees in the green belts and pavements of the main roads in all districts across Macao in 2020 and 2021. So far, nearly 4,000 trees have been planted in seedling form to better balance root and canopy growth, giving priority to tree species grown in southern China that are highly wind and drought resistant.
Trees not only photosynthesise, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and mitigate global warming, but also settle suspended particulate matters, purify the air, and withstand wind. Therefore, planting trees extensively has a positive impact on the ecological environment and even human life.
According to the urban street tree planting plan, the trees are to be planted in two years, starting from May 2020. A total of 1,849 trees were planted last year in locations including Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Avenida da Ponte da Amizade, Avenida da Amizade and Avenida Doutor Stanley Ho in Macao Peninsula, as well as Estrada de Pac On, Avenida do Oceano, Avenida Wai Long and Avenida de Kwong Tung in Taipa.
The tree planting work continues this year, with the goal of planting 3,200 trees. As of March this year, IAM has planted 2,118 trees in locations including Rua do Comandante João Belo, Avenida Marginal do Lam Mau and Rua do Almirante Sérgio in Macao Peninsula; Avenida Cidade Nova, Avenida dos Jogos da Ásia Oriental, Avenida Marginal Flor de Lótus and Estrada da Ponta da Cabrita in Taipa, as well as Estrada do Istmoand and Estrada de Seac Pai Van in Coloane. The planting locations and procurement for the remaining trees have been arranged. It is expected that all trees will be planted by the third quarter. After completing the above-mentioned street tree planting plan, IAM will continue to find suitable places for planting trees to enhance urban greening.
In the selection of tree species, priority is given to tree species grown in southern China where the climate is similar to that of Macao, such as Queen Crape Myrtle, Madagascar Almond, Lance-leaved Sterculia, Spider Tree, Autumn Maple, Hainan Ormosia and Golden Penda. In addition to having pleasant-looking leaves, flowers and fruits, these species are wind and drought resistant. They are planted in seedling form to better balance root and canopy growth, and strengthen the trees’ capacityto abatewind.