The Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election issued a reminder that 31 May is the deadline for voters to provide to the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau any updated information regarding a change of residential address, as each voter will be assigned a polling station based on the address held on file.
The Commission Chairman, Mr Tong Hio Fong, told reporters on Wednesday (26 May) that since 1 January 2021, approximately 5,800 voters had given notice of an update to their respective residential address.
On or before 31 May, voters may update their information via several routes. They are: either the voter’s “My Government Account of Macao SAR"; or the voter-registration web service (login via “My Government Account of Macao SAR"); or self-service kiosks providing such service; or by an in-person visit to the Public Administration Building during relevant office hours. Even if voters do not need to update any of their information, they may still verify their own details as held on file to ensure the notice of polling can be delivered to them promptly.
In addition, Mr Tong mentioned that 15 June was the deadline for the submission of applications for the establishment of a nomination committee for the election. The Commission had so far received a total of eight application forms, with three nomination committees receiving approval of their legal status. Two of the eight applications received so far had been withdrawn by the respective trustees.
Mr Tong said the Commission had not identified any case of the same person endorsing more than one nomination committee application. The Commission expected there would be more applications as the application deadline approached. The Commission issued a reminder that each registered voter was only entitled to endorse the nomination committee of a single election team. Trustees of any would-be nomination committee had the duty to remind voters of that, before asking them to sign a nomination committee application form, Mr Tong added.
The Commission planned to maintain at 23 the number of designated outdoor public spaces for campaigning teams to display promotional materials during the official campaigning period.
Regarding places for campaigning activities, the Commission had identified 18 locations for the use of campaigning teams during the official campaigning period, Mr Tong said.
According to a timetable for pre-election procedures, details of polling stations must be announced no later than 7 July.