The 16th Population Census and the 6th Housing Census (hereinafter referred to as the 2021 Population Census) of Macao will begin tomorrow (7 Aug). The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) will collect data from over 270,000 residential, industrial and commercial units in Macao. In view of the latest development of the pandemic of novel coronavirus pneumonia, DSEC has adjusted data collection arrangements for the 2021 Population Census and will fully implement online data collection to reduce the risk of virus transmission. DSEC appeals to the public to fulfil their civic duty and provide information online or via telephone.
Suspension of Door-to-door Data Collection; Greater Convenience with Online Completion
In light of the change in the pandemic situation, DSEC will suspend door-to-door data collection by Census officers to comply with the Government’s infection prevention and control measures, and encourages the public to provide information through online or telephone means. Households of over 270,000 residential, industrial and commercial units in Macao are receiving the notification letter from DSEC starting from 2 August. Households may scan the QR code on the notification letter or questionnaire to complete the online questionnaire, or to conduct a telephone interview by calling the Census officers between 7 and 21 August. Households may also schedule a telephone interview by calling the Census Hotline at 8809 8809.
Data Collected from Long Form and Short Form Help Policy Formulation
Census data are collected through the long-form and short-form questionnaires. Households of one-seventh of the units are selected to answer the long form while the remaining households will answer the short form. The short form contains 7 questions on the basic demographic characteristics of the population, such as gender, year and month of birth and place of birth. The long form collects information on socio-economic characteristics of the population in addition to the basic information requested in the short form, including nationality, marital status, educational attainment, job industry, occupation and employment earnings. Besides, DSEC introduced new data topics on self-care ability of the elderly aged 60 and above to this round of Population Census, which can serve as a reference source for government policy making.
Strengthened Security Measures to Protect Household Data
DSEC attaches great importance to data security and confidentiality, and has taken various measures to protect the information provided by the households. All the data collected in the Population Census are used solely for the compilation of statistics and will not be used for other purposes. Households can be assured that their information will be safeguarded.
DSEC stresses that they will not take the initiative to contact households by telephone or email for data collection, especially sensitive personal information such as ID card number or bank account numbers, and urges the public to beware of scams.
In accordance with the Administrative Regulation no. 6/2021 – “2021 Population Census Regime”, all Census respondents are obliged to provide the required information within the specified period. Under the Dispatch no. 242/GM/99 – “Statistical Confidentiality”, all the information provided by the respondents will be kept in strict confidence. Data will be processed and published in aggregate form only, and no personal information pertaining to individual households shall be disclosed.
Take Part in Building Our Future
The Population Census is crucial to the development of Macao. Census data reflect the change in the structure and socio-economic characteristics of the local population, which serve as an important reference source for government policy formulation, particularly in education, housing, transport, health, social services, etc. These data are also useful to the private sector and academia in business planning and research studies. DSEC calls on the public to support statistical work, co-operate in the Census, fulfil their civic duty and provide accurate information for the future development of Macao.
Households that complete the Census questionnaire through online or telephone means will automatically be entered into the “Early Census Response for Greater Chance of Winning Lucky Draw”. The earlier the households complete the questionnaire, the more chances they have at winning.
For more information about the Census, please visit the webpage of the 2021 Population Census (https://www.dsec.gov.mo/Censos2021) or call the Census Hotline at 8809 8809.