The 2021 Population Census commenced yesterday (7 Aug). In view of the latest development of the pandemic, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) has immediately adjusted data collection arrangements and suspended door-to-door visits by Census officers. Online data collection is fully implemented, and residents are encouraged to complete the Census through contactless means.
DSEC received overwhelming online questionnaire responses from the public. About 19,000 households have completed the questionnaire through online or telephone means on the first day, which accounted for about 7% of the total number of households, the highest proportion ever recorded for the first day of the Population Census. DSEC states that the online data collection system and the telephone interviewing system have been running smoothly, and appeals to the households to provide information online or via telephone, which facilitates data submission under the current pandemic situation.
Greater Convenience with Online Census Questionnaire
The Census questionnaire has a simple and direct design, and is easy to use. Households only need to select the appropriate answer to most of the questions in the given order. The system will immediately verify the answers and display prompts when necessary. For a household of three members, it would only take them less than 5 minutes to fill in the online short-form questionnaire. The Census questionnaire can be completed via mobile phone or computer.
For the elderly or households who are not used to using the internet, the simplest way to respond to the Census is to provide information through telephone interviews. They may call the Census Hotline at 8809 8809 and dedicated staff will conduct a telephone interview with them.
Fulfil Civic Duty and Win Great Prizes
The 2021 Population Census is conducted in accordance with the Administrative Regulation no. 6/2021. All Census respondents must fulfil their civic duty and provide the required information within the specified period.
To promote online completion and to express appreciation for the support of the households, DSEC holds the “Early Census Response for Greater Chance of Winning Lucky Draw” from 8 to 22 August for a period of 15 days. 200 Jolly Prizes will be drawn every day among households who have completed the questionnaire. Winning households of the Jolly Prize will receive a top-up value of MOP200 for their e-wallet or supermarket vouchers of equivalent value. Moreover, winning households of the Jolly Prize will also enter the grand prize lucky draw on 31 August. Winning households of the grand prize may select one prize among the 15 grand prizes. The earlier the households complete the questionnaire, the more chances they have at winning the lucky draws.
Statistical Confidentiality is of Utmost Importance
DSEC attaches great importance to the security and confidentiality of data, and has taken various measures to protect the information provided by the households. Under the Dispatch no. 242/GM/99 – “Statistical Confidentiality”, all the information collected will be kept in strict confidence. Data will be processed and published in aggregate form only. Households can be assured that their information will be safeguarded. DSEC reaffirms that they will not take the initiative to contact households to collect information by telephone or email. DSEC will only contact households to verify the questionnaire data via the contact number that they provide, and urges the public to beware of scams.
Census Results Help Government Policy Formulation
Census results reflect the change in the structure and socio-economic characteristics of the population in Macao, and serve as an important reference source for government policy making. DSEC appeals to the public to co-operate in the Census and provide accurate information. For more information about the Census, please visit the webpage of the 2021 Population Census (https://www.dsec.gov.mo/Censos2021) or call the Census Hotline at 8809 8809.