The Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election has prepared a contingency plan and epidemic-prevention measures, to cover the official campaigning period and for election day itself. This is in order to ensure Macao ID holders registered to do so, can exercise their right to vote, despite the public health and safety issues wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaking to reporters today, the Commission Chairman, Mr Tong Hio Fong, said the body would closely liaise with the health authorities regarding the latest developments in epidemic-related matters. In the event of an outbreak of infection in the community, the Commission’s contingency plan would help to ensure – on the condition any risk was judged as manageable – that the election could be held on 12 September as scheduled.
In view of the fact the official campaigning period was starting on 28 August, the Commission would send to each team of candidates a set of guidelines on safe management of campaigning in the venues designated for that purpose.
The 18 locations designed for the use of campaigning teams during the official campaigning period would impose a number of epidemic-control measures, such as: areas for campaigning activities to be marked by steel portable barriers and separated from public space; setting of limits on the number of participants allowed on site; and introduction of designated entry and exit points, so as to allow campaigning teams to check on arrival the body temperature of each participant, as well as their Macao Health Code. Each participant would be required to wear a face mask, Mr Tong stated. There should also be enhanced effort regarding sterilising processes at the venues, the Commission Chairman added.
Campaigning teams were reminded to observe closely anti-epidemic measures recommended by the health authorities, even if they held campaigning activities in non-public venues, stated Mr Tong.
On election day, individuals holding a ‘yellow’ Macao Health Code should follow special instructions, in a bid to minimise contact with others, said Mr Tong. They might also be required to wear disposable gloves when marking their ballot. Once they finished voting, the polling booth would be immediately cleaned and sterilised.
Individuals holding a ‘red’ Macao Health Code would be barred from entering any polling station. Election staff would seek confirmation from the health authorities regarding any such individuals arriving with such a Macao Health Code status. Should their ‘red’ code be the result of an error in their input of information, their access would be allowed.
The Commission Chairman said more backup polling stations would be prepared, in case some designated polling stations could not be operated due to inclusion in restricted zone in the event of an outbreak. The Commission was also exploring possible options that might allow those undergoing medical quarantine to cast their ballot on election day, Mr Tong added.
On election day, the Commission would provide real-time updates on the number of people waiting to cast their vote at each polling station, helping members of the electorate to avoid peak hours at polling stations, and to reduce the risk posed by gathering of crowds, said Mr Tong.
The Chairman also talked about the progress of other work relating to the election. Currently, the Commission was preparing the printing of 30,000 copies of a brochure outlining the respective political platform of all the teams taking part in the direct election; and an additional 3,000 copies of a brochure outlining the respective political platforms for candidates in the indirect election. Information regarding political platforms would also be made available online, he added.
The Commission began last week to send out a poll notice to each voter, informing them of the location of their respective polling station. Voters also have the option of enquiring directly about the location of their respective polling station either via the “My Government Account of Macao SAR” online platform; or via the Government’s self-service kiosks; or by telephone, on 2891 2912.
There was an aggregate of 8,016 legal-person voters eligible to take part in the upcoming indirect election, Mr Tong said. The only polling station for the indirect election, i.e., Macao Polytechnic Institute, would be also accommodating a polling station for the direct election, for the convenience of the legal-person voters assigned to that polling station, he added.
In addition, the Chairman said the Commission had confirmed the application for withdrawal from the direct election submitted by the first candidate on the list from team No. 10 and the second candidate from team No. 13.