To better safeguard consumers’ rights in cross-border online transactions, the Macao Consumer Council endeavours to establish cooperation network with consumer organizations in the Mainland and overseas. Since joining the national e-commerce online direct platform set up by China Consumers Association (CCA), the efficiency of handling consumer disputes between Macao consumers and e-commerce traders in the Mainland by the Council has been enhanced.
Consumers face no boundaries in the online shopping era, but the process of making claims may be complicated when consumer disputes arise between consumers and e-commerce traders abroad, therefore, the Macao Consumer Council strove for its joining in the national e-commerce online direct platform set up by CCA years ago.
Cases sent directly to mainland e-commerce traders
There are currently 25 e-commerce traders included in the platform, they are major shopping platforms with high consumption rates and are those familiar to Macao consumers when making cross-border consumption.
The platform, which is easy to operate, enables consumer organizations to send complaint cases directly to the involved e-commerce traders and these traders have promised to prioritize the handling of cases received from the platform. The CCA indicates that the cost of handling cross-regions consumer disputes has been lowered greatly after the launch of the platform in 2016.
Enhance service efficiency
Macao consumers are able to file complaints directly with the e-commerce traders on the platform when consumer dispute arises and request follow-up and reply. The platform is simple and quick to use, enabling Macao consumers to enjoy these benefits and avoid the complicated process and other obstacles faced in case referral, and enhances the efficiency of handling consumer disputes between consumers and e-commerce traders.
Utilizing the advantages of the direct platform
Consumers are suggested to contact the Council (hotline: 8988 9315) or use the “Consumer Online” e-service platform (https://app.consumer.gov.mo/wapp/cconline?lang=en) when facing any disputes or doubt when making transactions with the e-commerce traders listed on the platform. Follow-up will be made to safeguard consumers’ rights in online shopping.
Consumer alert on online shopping
The Council reminds consumers to choose traders with goodwill, and those who are able to offer details like their names, contact addresses, etc., consumers should be alert to unfamiliar websites, never share personal data, especially financial details to any website, read carefully the terms for transaction, exchange and refund, and make purchase on websites that offer proof of purchase. Consumers should never pay recklessly when having any doubts to protect their own rights.