The data collection for the 2021 Population Census was concluded yesterday (28 Aug). The Census coverage rate reached 99.3% and the preliminary overall response rate was 83.3%, which met the expectations amid the pandemic. The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) extends its appreciation to the public for their support and co-operation, and appeals to the households who did not respond to the Census to provide information as soon as possible.
Census Coverage Rate at 99.3% and Preliminary Overall Response Rate at 83.3%
As affected by the pandemic, the data collection period was extended for 7 days from 15 days to 22 days, and ended on 28 August. The Census coverage rate reached 99.3% and the preliminary overall response rate was 83.3%, which met the expectations amid the pandemic. Among the households who completed and submitted the Census questionnaire, 71% filled out the questionnaire via the Online Questionnaire System, whereas the remaining households provided information through telephone interviews, in paper form or to the visiting Census officers.
To strive for a higher response rate and more representative Census results, DSEC will continue to follow up with households who have activated their access to the online questionnaire or have scheduled a telephone interview to assist them to complete the questionnaire. Households may call the Census Hotline, which remains open until 19 September, for appropriate arrangements to be made.
Post Enumeration Survey to Begin Next Month to Ensure Data Quality
To ensure the quality of Census data, DSEC will conduct the Post Enumeration Survey (PES) from 4 to 19 September and verify basic information with 1,500 households selected from those who completed the questionnaire. DSEC appeals to the households for their continued co-operation. Meanwhile, DSEC staff will visit the households who did not respond to the Census and assist them in completing the questionnaire during the above-mentioned period.
Preliminary Census Results to Release at End-2021 while Detailed Results to Publish in Second Quarter of 2022
Census data will be checked, processed and aggregated after the completion of the PES. Preliminary results of the 2021 Population Census will be released in December 2021, which include population size, gender, age structure and distribution of population by district, whereas detailed results are scheduled to be published in the second quarter of 2022.
DSEC expresses gratitude to the residents, institutions, associations and public departments for their support and assistance in the 2021 Population Census. For more information about the Census, please visit the webpage of the 2021 Population Census (https://www.dsec.gov.mo/Censos2021) or call the Census Hotline at 8809 8809.