The General Audit Committee of the Legislative Assembly Election announced today the confirmed results of the direct election for the seventh Legislative Assembly.
After reviewing some ballots that had been matters of contention, a total of 15 votes originally deemed invalid has been confirmed valid
A total of 137,279 ballots was cast on Sunday (12 September) for the direct election. There were 132,071 valid votes; 3,141 blank ballot papers; and 2,067 invalid votes.
The 14 members-elect of the seventh Legislative Assembly are:
- Mr Si Ka Lon with 26,599 votes
- Ms Lei Cheng I with 23,761 votes
- Mr José Maria Pereira Coutinho with 18,232 votes
- Mr Zheng Anting with 16,813 votes
- Mr Leong Hong Sai with 15,102 votes
- Ms Wong Kit Cheng with 14,232 votes
- Ms Song Pek Kei with 13,299.5 votes
- Mr Leong Sun Iok with 11,880.5 votes
- Mr Che Sai Wang with 9,116 votes
- Mr Lam U Tou with 8,764 votes
- Ms Lo Choi In with 8,406.5 votes
- Mr Ngan Iek Hang with 7,551 votes
- Mr Ma Io Fong with 7,116 votes
- Mr Lei Leong Wong with 6,649.75 votes
The confirmed results are on display and accessible to the public at the Election Information Centre in the Public Administration Building and the website of the Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election.