In order to continuously extend the scope of self-service application, starting from 23rd September 2021, the Identification Services Bureau (DSI) launched 24-hour self-service application for the Certificate of Kinship. Macao residents can use self-service kiosk to apply for the Certificate of Kinship related to their parents, children, spouse, brother and sister, grandparents and grandchildren (hereinafter referred as “persons concerned”) anytime.
The service targets on holders of electronic Macao Special Administrative Region Resident Identity Card who are aged 18 or above. When lodging application, the applicant has to follow system instructions to operate and insert the Macao Special Administrative Region Resident Identity Card of the persons concerned. Up to eight persons concerned can be provided in the same application. Besides, eligible applicants can collect the certificate at designated locations on the same day. Details can be found at www.dsi.gov.mo/certificate_e.jsp.
In addition, in order to facilitate formalities for citizens who need to confirm the information about their relationship with their parents, children or spouse in their Macao resident identity record, DSI had already introduced electronic services for kinship verification. Citizens can apply for kinship verification at self-service kiosks or through the “Common Access to Public Services of the Macao SAR” mobile application. Applicants will receive the verification result 5 working days after successful application. Details of kinship verification service can be found at www.dsi.gov.mo/QAndA_e.jsp#CH7.
For details of self-service application for the Certificate of Kinship, please refer to www.dsi.gov.mo/eservice_e.jsp.
For location of self-service kiosks, please refer to www.dsi.gov.mo/kiosk_e.jsp.
For enquiries, please call DSI hotline (2837-0777 or 2837-0888) or email to info@dsi.gov.mo.