Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre (hereinafter referred to as “the Centre”) stated that, in view of the presence of the 66th confirmed case in Macao today (25), the Centre has swiftly adopted closure and control measures in accordance with the zone-specific, multi-level targeted approach to epidemic prevention and control.
The 66th confirmed case lives in Avenida de Horta e Costa, Edf. Palácio, 3/C; therefore, blocks C and D of Edf. Palácio have been classified as the prevention and control zone, for which Red Health Code control will be implemented on top of other measures such as on-site nucleic acid testing, which is provisionally set to take place on the 1st, 3rd and 5th day. Entry into the prevention and control zone is permitted, but nobody except staff members are allowed to leave there. Individuals in this zone should minimize their activities and collect supplies at the designated spot only. While comprehensive restriction and close-off management are in place, affected individuals may be quarantined for medical observation on site or be transferred to a suitable location for centralized management with medical observation according to the actual circumstances.
In addition, Yellow Health Code control measures have been implemented for the adjacent buildings to the prevention and control zone (i.e. Blocks A, B, E, F, G, H, I, J of Edf. Palácio, which have a different entrance than Blocks C and D). Individuals in these areas will see their Health Code turn yellow and be subject to immediate nucleic acid testing on the scene. The first test will be completed within 24 hours, and additional tests may be required if necessary. Individuals are not permitted to leave the zone until completion of the first test. Other restrictive measures include border exit restriction, and close health monitoring with self-health management for at least 14 days.
The Centre indicated that, under the zone-specific, multi-level targeted approach to epidemic prevention and control, the daily living needs of people in the Red and Yellow Code Zones will be monitored by the Subsistence Team, while food and daily consumables will be provided to them by the designated authorities. If you are a singleton elderly, a person with difficulties, or in need of psychological or mental assistance, you can call the Social Welfare Bureau hotline 28261126 for assistance.