In order to support the citywide nucleic acid test (NAT) plan for the entire population, Social Welfare Bureau and Health Bureau together cooperate with Macao Federation of Trade Unions to organize “Macao SAR Government Outreach NAT Service Team”. On 27th September 2021, the team provided the outreach NAT service for 1,612 elderly and disabled persons with reduced mobility who are living in 18 facilities. Today the team is providing the service for the rest of about 900 persons, in order to complete the outreach NAT service for the total of 2500 residential persons who are separately living in 28 residential facilities.
Meanwhile, Social Welfare Bureau, Health Bureau and non-governmental social service organizations (Macau Red Cross, Caritas Macau, União Geral das Associações dos Moradores de Macau and the Women’s Association of Macau) have organized 19 teams of outreach service in community (outreach NAT service team), aim to provide the outreach NAT service for elderly and disabled persons with reduced mobility in their residential places. Among the help calls received by Social Welfare Bureau 24 hours Hotline 2826 1126, after contact with the respective individuals, it is confirmed that, in the community, there are 309 persons with reduced mobility (e.g. having serious illness, long-term on bed, etc.) The staff of these 19 teams (outreach NAT service team) will first contact the above-mentioned individuals by telephone and indicate their working departments. When arrive at the place, they will wear departmental uniforms and show their work permits for identification. It is estimated that the above outreach NAT service will be completed on 28th September.