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Updated requirements on documentation for people travelling from foreign countries

Announcement 162/A/SS/2021

Starting from the stroke of midnight on 7 October 2021, people intending to arrive in Macao via any foreign country will be required to comply with updated rules for nucleic acid testing and vaccination, and to provide documents to prove compliance.

Such individuals will need to present the relevant documentation prior to boarding either a direct flight to Macao or the first leg of a connecting flight to Macao, as announced by the Government’s Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre. The new requirements are in view of the latest developments in the pandemic.

1) People travelling from countries considered extremely high risk in terms of COVID-19 infection, i.e., Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Turkey, will each be required to present certificates for three nucleic acid tests – conducted within seven days of intending departure – proving they are ‘negative’ for COVID-19 infection. The three tests should be conducted at least 24 hours apart, and the last test should be done within 48 hours of boarding the relevant flight.

2) People travelling from other foreign countries will each be required to present a nucleic acid test, done within 48 hours of boarding the relevant flight, proving they are ‘negative’ for COVID-19 infection.

3) Those aged 12 or above will be additionally required to present a document certifying either they have completed COVID-19 vaccination at least 14 days prior to boarding their flight, or that they are not suitable to be recipients of any COVID-19 vaccine. Such a document must be recognised for the purpose of international travel, or recognised by Chinese embassies or consulates in the foreign country that is the point of departure.

Any individuals attempting to present forged versions of the required documents might face criminal liabilities corresponding to such acts.

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