The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, directed Macao’s civil protection management team to take all necessary steps in order to minimise the risk of adverse outcomes due to the advent of Typhoon Kompasu.
Typhoon Signal No. 8 was hoisted at 10.30pm on Tuesday (12 October). During a meeting held at 10pm Tuesdayin the Civil Protection Operations Centre, the Chief Executive reviewed Macao’s storm-condition preparations along with representatives from a total of 21 public entities involving in the civil protection system.
The Chief Executive expressed his gratitude to public-sector staff for their hard work, especially soon after the passing of Typhoon Lionrock last week and amid ongoing anti-epidemic measures. The civil protection management team was experienced in dealing with typhoon-related conditions; and preparations had been updated and arrangements put in place in a timely way, Mr Ho said.
According to meteorological information, there may be flooding in the Inner Harbour area, caused by the combined effect of a high astronomical tide, and strong wind and rain associated with the passing weather system.
The Chief Executive gave directives to the civil protection team to minimise the harm caused by flooding; to assist people in need to evacuate from low-lying areas; and to ensure the safety of the public and their property.