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Timetable for unlocking the Red and Yellow Code Zones related to the 4-Oct outbreak

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre (hereinafter referred to as “the Centre”)announcesthat after risk evaluation,thered- and yellow-coded zonesset upin response to the positive casesdetectedon 4 Octoberortheir related cases,will be unlocked as follows:

1.For zoneswhere the confirmed case(s) was/were last present on 1 October:If all persons inthezonestest negativein their final teston15 October, the zoneswill be unlocked at 23:59 on 15 October.This applies to:

➢Red Code Zones:Grand Victoria Hotel(Estrada do Arco118);Edf.KamHeng (RuaDoisdoBairrodaAreiaPreta42-50andRuaQuatrodoBairrodaAreiaPreta30-32).

➢Yellow Code Zones:Edf.KamHeng (RuaDoisdoBairrodaAreiaPreta32-40andRuaQuatrodoBairrodaAreiaPreta34-42).

2.For other Red and Yellow Code Zones:Ifall persons in the zones test negative in their final test on 18 October, the relevant zones will be unlocked at 23:59 on 18 October. Those who were transferred to a hotel for medical observation from the Red Code Zoneswill also be lifted from quarantineat thecorrespondingtime.

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