【DST】Macao Light Festival 2021 – Travellers from Mars splendidly opens
“Macao Light Festival 2021 – Travellers from Mars” was splendidly unveiled concurrently with the Light up Macao Drone Gala, another mega event organized by Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) as well. The opening ceremony took place by the seaside next to Macao Science Center at nightfall today (4 December), weaving a magical journey in Macao for residents and visitors.
MGTO Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes; Director of Economic and Technological Development Bureau, Tai Kin Ip; Acting Director of Livelihood Affairs Bureau of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, Huang Yujie; Vice President of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Cheong Lai San; Vice President of Sports Bureau, Lam Lin Kio; Head of Department of Cultural and Recreational Affairs and Civic Education of Municipal Affairs Bureau, Patsy Ko Pui San; Head of Publicity and Promotion Division of Marine and Water Bureau, Ng Chan Teng; Curator of Macao Science Center, Sio Hon Pan, and Chairman of the Executive Committee of TDM – Teledifusão de Macau, S.A., Lorman Lo, officiated the kick-off ceremony to lift curtains on “Macao Light Festival 2021 – Travellers from Mars” and the Light up Macao Drone Gala.
Cross-sector integration of “tourism + culture & creativity” to fuel community economy
In her speech, Senna Fernandes highlighted that the Macao Light Festival, held for the seventh year, has won the love of residents and visitors. On the other hand, the Light up Macao Drone Gala is a new extravaganza organized by MGTO. The synergy of both events is anticipated to lead a greater influx of residents and visitors into different communities for sightseeing and spending. She hopes that the events can hence enrich travelers’ experience in town and integrate the sectors of “tourism + culture and creativity” more profoundly while benefiting community businesses and fueling the momentum of the nighttime and community economy.
Macao Light Festival lights up communities
“Macao Light Festival 2021 – Travellers from Mars” is held from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. from 4 December 2021 until 2 January 2022 (the last projection mapping show starts at 9:50 p.m. per night), to radiate sparkling joy and positive vibes for residents and visitors while highlighting Macao’s image as a healthy and quality travel destination. Colorful light installations, interactive games and projection mapping shows are lighting up 17 locations along seven routes across different districts as follows: Zona Nova de Aterros do Porto Exterior (NAPE), Nam Van District, Northern District, Praia do Manduco District, Central District, Taipa and Coloane.
The performance teams from Macao, Hengqin, Changsha and Tokyo present four themed projection mapping shows upon different unique architectures and travel attractions as follows:
1. Macao Science Center: “Original Flavour of Macao” is presented by a performance team from Changsha as a UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts;
2. Largo do Pagode do Bazar at Central District: “We” is presented by the Livelihood Affairs Bureau of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin;
3. Largo dos Bombeiros in Taipa: GLID is presented by a performance team from Tokyo. The team cannot come to Macao in person owing to the pandemic situation but passed on its production through the Internet to a local coordinator that offers equipment and technicians to assist with projection mapping;
4. Chapel of St. Francis Xavier in Coloane: “In Pair” is presented by a local performance team.
For more details, please visit MGTO’s website for Macao Light Festival 2021 (mlf.macaotourism.gov.mo/index_en.html) and official Wechat ID.
Pandemic prevention measures
A range of pandemic prevention measures are adopted for Macao Light Festival 2021. Entrances and exits are set up at the designated event areas with implementation of crowd management measures. According to the actual situation on site, audience can line up for admission and are required to present their Macao Health Code in green color, undergo temperature checks and maintain at least one-meter social distance, in addition to wearing masks throughout the time on site. Venue codes are also posted on site for spectators to scan through the mobile app of Macao Health Code for itinerary record. MGTO is closely monitoring the pandemic situation and will rigorously comply with Health Bureau’s pertinent guidelines to make prompt arrangements in accord.
The Office will forge ahead to deepen cross-sector integration of “tourism +” and steer the community tourism and economy forward. In the future, MGTO will continue to present a diversity of spectacular events and activities to enrich travellers’ experience in Macao.