Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI) recently published the second issue of 2021 of Global Gaming & Tourism Research. This current issue of the Journal covers nine academic papers on gaming and tourism with contributing authors from Mainland China and Macao. The journal aims to promote the sustainable development of the gaming and tourism industry. In addition to providing support for science-based decision-making across the public and gaming sectors, this academic journal seeks to serve as an exchange platform for gaming and tourism research work.
“MGM’s Strategy and Plan to Make Macao a Top Destination for Cultural Tourism” written by Ms. Pansy Ho, co-chairperson of MGM China Holdings Ltd, discusses the effort made by MGM China in promoting the cultural tourism of Macao since 2007. MGM China has been facilitating the development of tourism through culture and the display of masterpieces of world class artists. This paper is of great significance for showing the contribution of a gaming company in promoting tourism via culture and art.
“Diversification of Macao’s Gaming Industry: Perspective from a Comparison of Companies” written by Professor Zeng Zhonglu and other scholars of Macao Polytechnic Institute is a research article investigating the diversification of development of the six gaming companies in Macao. The paper chose nine representative gaming companies overseas and the six gaming companies in Macao. The findings showed that the difference in non-gaming revenue between the gaming companies in Macao and their overseas counterparts is only around 13 percent, and the difference is still narrowing. This paper provides a standard of comparison in non-gaming development for the gaming companies in Macao.
“Key Issues and Challenges in the Philippine Gaming Industry Based on Content Analysis of News Media Coverage” written by Professor Leonardo A.N. Dioko of Macao Institute for Tourism Studies explores the issues and challenges encountered by gaming companies in the Philippines, thus filling the research gap about the development of the gaming industry. “Are Quiz-type Sports Bettors Loyal? Perspectives from Behavioural and Attitudinal Loyalty” written by Liu Lian and other scholars from Mainland China investigates the “customer loyalty problem” of Mainland Chinese lottery players. “The Specific Application of Cross-border Gambling Crimes in the Mainland and Its Impact on Macau’s Gambling Industry” written by Zhang Guoxuan, Duputy Attorney General of a province in Mainland China, analyzes the influence of the latest regulations about gaming activities in Mainland China, the article suggests that the change in crimes and penalty will greatly impact the gaming industry of Macao.
An article regarding tourism research, “The Influence of Place Image on Residents’ Sense of Gain and City-development Confidence: Taking Zhuhai as an Example” written by Professor Zhang Hui of Sun Yat-sen University takes Zhuhai as an example and explores the impact of place image on sense of gain and city development confidence of residents. “Application of SUS-TAS in a Gaming Destination: The Mediating Role of Overall Attitude” written by Professor Li Xiangping and other scholars examines the applicability of the multiple measure tourism impact attitude scale. “The application of Big Data in Tourism Research: Review of Literature Based in China” written by Wang Xing analyzes the application, methodology and the source of big data in Mainland China. “Lessons from China on Improving Macao’s Legal System Regarding the Protection and Management of Its Natural Tourism Resources” written by Kan Man Neng suggests that an improved legal system should be established by the government of Macao for the better protection, scientific planning and rational utilization of natural tourism resources.
Global Gaming & Tourism Research is published semi-annually and covers key areas including management and development strategies concerning gaming and tourism. The Journal welcomes contributions by experts from home and abroad. For enquiries, please contact Zeng Zhonglu (Professor of the Centre for Gaming and Tourism Studies and the Editor-in-Chief) at 8893 6229. Articles can be submitted to: globalgaming@ipm.edu.mo.