In addition to a series of performances, the 21st Macao City Fringe Festival, organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, features a total of 15 outreach activities, including screening sessions, sharing sessions, workshops, exhibitions, seminars, exchange sessions, as well as immersive interactive experiences in the community, further broadening the public’s artistic horizons.
The most sought-after participatory exhibition “Art Exhibition for All” continues to offer the public a platform to display their creative works. Creativity comes first, regardless of forms and themes. The public is welcome to improvise at the exhibition site. The “Prepared Piano Workshop” will explore the history of the prepared piano, as well as the theory behind the alteration of sound, the selection of materials and the techniques of preparing the piano. Participants will have first-hand experience preparing and playing a prepared piano. The “Flower Painting Installation Art Exhibition by Jenny Lei” and the “Flower Painting Workshop” will lead the public to heal the soul through the unique charm of floral art.
The programme “Crème de la Fringe: Iao Hon” set against the backdrop of Iao Hon, features three outreach activities, namely “Surviving Route”, “Not Junk Mail” and “Iao Hon Pop-up Store”. Participants will further explore and learn about Iao Hon, as well as get to know those people, places and stories overlooked in the community through an unusual tour route in the community, a second-hand market and a postcard collection activity. The programme “Crème de la Fringe: Todos Fest!” will feature screening and sharing sessions on “How to Curate Inclusive Art”, which discuss the development of inclusive art, as well as the “Symbiotic Dance Workshop” and the “Body Workshop for the Elderly”, which inspire the elderly and people with physical or mental disabilities to think creatively, show their artistic potential and redefine the public’s aesthetics.
In addition, the Fringe Festival includes the “Sharing on the Creation of Real-time Digital Interactive Ink Installation”, which will share the techniques of applying digital media to art; the “Interdisciplinary Symposium on Contemporary Arts and Theatre”, which will discuss interdisciplinary artistic creation; the unconventional dance tutorial “Street Dance Tutorial”; the “Fringe Chat”, in which critics will discuss the features and heartbeats of this year’s Fringe Festival; and the “Fringe Exchange: Connect with Festivals”, which will provide opportunities for local artists and art groups to have exchanges with festival curators from different cities.
Registration for all outreach activities can be made online or by phone from 10 am on 12 December (Sunday). Online registration can be made at https://www.icm.gov.mo/eform/event. For phone registration and enquiries, please contact IC through tel. no. 8399 6872 during office hours. For more information about the activities, please visit the Fringe Festival’s website at www.macaucityfringe.gov.mo, the “Macao City Fringe Festival” page on Facebook, or “IC_Art_Macao” on WeChat.