The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) has recently completed the review process of the “9th Subsidy Programme for Fashion Design on Sample Making”. Eight candidates have been selected and they are (in arbitrary order): Siu David, Wong Man I, Lei Wai Cheng, Tang Si Weng, Lai Ka Pou, Kan Ka Kei, Leng Carmen and Vong Si Weng. The IC will provide each of the selected candidates with a grant of up to MOP170,000 for the production and promotion of the respective fashion design samples.
The IC launched the “Subsidy Programme for Fashion Design on Sample Making” in 2013, with the aim of creating opportunities for Macao’s fashion designers to participate in fashion shows and fairs around the world as well as for local original brands to be launched in the Mainland, and thereby promoting the professionalism and industrialisation of Macao’s fashion design industry.
A total of 28 applications were received for the programme. After the initial and second reviews, the adjudicating panel eventually selected eight projects. The panel consists of Senior Manager of the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center Ng Ian Io, Store Director of the Louis Vuitton Macau Company Limited Wong Ieng San, and Macao veteran fashion designer Robert Lai. For enquiries about the selection results, please contact Ms Lam, a staff member of the IC, through telephone no. 8399 6205 during office hours.