The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, said only through incessant endeavour would it be possible to cut through the waves and sail ahead, navigating through complex situations and challenging times.
Mr Ho called on the Macao public to have firm confidence, maintain unity, make diligent effort, and take concerted action, in order to help create new conditions for the city’s development.
The Chief Executive made the remarks in his New Year Message, where he gave a review of 2021, and his view on the outlook for the year to come.
The year 2021 had been extraordinary. Macao had been brave in its attempts to fight the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the city had come through the most arduous period, had maintained good momentum for progress in terms of economic development, and affirmed social stability, said Mr Ho.
Concerted effort from the community had helped the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Government in its timely work to stop the disease from spreading in the community. Macao remained a safe city for tourists, and such an achievement was indivisible from the contribution made by those who lived and worked here, said Mr Ho.
The year 2021 had been of great historic significance. That was due to the Communist Party of China marking the centenary of its founding; the starting of a journey to build fully a modern socialist China; and the country also commencing the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, stated the Chief Executive.
Time had proven that the “One country, two systems” principle was the greatest advantage of Macao, while the country’s development was the greatest opportunity for Macao, noted Mr Ho. In the new era, Macao was devoting further effort to complement its strengths with those of the mainland, with an aim to explore a broader path for joint development.
The year 2021 was also critical in the course of the city’s development. Macao had published its 2nd Five-Year Development Plan; had seen successful completion of the election for the Legislative Assembly, with “patriots governing Macao” fully demonstrated; had further optimised the city’s legal system and execution mechanisms for safeguarding national security; and had seen the development of the Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin entering a phase of implementing mutual discussion, joint construction, joint administration, and shared benefits from the initiative, said Mr Ho.
Projects relating to people’s livelihoods had been pushed forward progressively, while other advances in overall development had been made in a steady manner, said the Chief Executive.
In his speech, Mr Ho said epidemic prevention and control were requisites for stable socio-economic development locally. He urged the public to stay vigilant in relation to COVID-19 developments, and to give unrelenting and stringent effort in terms of anti-epidemic work.
With firm support from, and under the guidance of, the Central Government, Macao could – with concerted effort from the community – face any hardship, while advancing steadier development and creating a brighter future for the city, said Mr Ho. These steps would lead to the steady implementation of the “One country, two systems” principle with Macao characteristics, he added.
In 2022, the MSAR Government would continue to implement the instructions set out in a series of important speeches by President Xi Jinping, and to work in line with his instructions, and the spirit of them. Macao would be steadfast in the “One country, two systems” principle, unswervingly safeguard the country’s sovereignty, security, and development interests, and firmly adhere to the “patriots governing Macao” principle.
In the 12 months ahead, the MSAR Government would work in line with the general principles of “prevent the pandemic, stabilise economic recovery, protect livelihoods, promote diversification, strengthen cooperation, explore development opportunities”; and work towards the goals set out in the city’s 2nd Five-Year Development Plan.
The MSAR Government would devote utmost effort in coordinating anti-epidemic endeavours and socio-economic work, expedite adequate economic diversification, and optimise people’s well-being, in order to make Macao a modern, attractive, happy, safe and harmonious city, said Mr Ho.
In his New Year Message, the Chief Executive extended to the Macao public his sincere good wishes for a prosperous and healthy New Year.