The Consumer Council continues its promotional work on popularizing “Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law” before Lunar New Year. The Council, together with the Macao Custom Service, Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) and Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT), disseminated promotional leaflets to stall owners of Lunar New Year Fair, reminding them to sell lawful and safe products as well as to label all products in MOP. The Council has arranged special service during Lunar New Year holiday to provide service to consumers.
Licensees of Lunar New Year Fair urged to comply with laws
Lunar New Year Fair is a shopping hotspot to consumers, to ensure the quality of merchandise sold at the Fair, the Council visited the site with the Macao Custom Service, IAM, and DSEDT to explain relevant regulations to on-site stall owners. Stall owners indicated that promotional work of the government departments are helpful to letting them know more about laws and regulations, and agreed that abiding by the laws will enhance consumers’ confidence and protection of consumer rights.
Obligations of traders introduced in “Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law” brochure
The Council has recently carried out promotional campaign in various regions in Macao with the Macao Custom Service to disseminate brochures of “Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law” and leaflets on the protection of intellectual property to shop owners, hoping to increase their knowledge on various laws and regulations and conduct business with good business practices.
Cross-departmental meeting to discuss measures for New Year holiday
As consumption is expected to increase during Lunar New Year, the Council held a meeting before the festival with Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT), Macao Government Tourist Office (DST), Transport Bureau (DSAT), Judiciary Police (PJ), Public Security Police Force (PSP), Macao Custom Service, Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM), Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau and Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT) to discuss on the measures to be taken during Lunar New holiday.
The Council has also urged all “Certified Shops” to abide by laws, conduct business with integrity, and comply with the regulations of the “Certified Shop” mechanism to provide consumers with quality service.