The Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Lei Wai Nong, today said the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Government had given notice to existing gaming concessionaires and sub-concessionaires regarding a proposed extension to their gaming rights. It would run until 31 December 2022, inclusive, to align wth the progress of revision to Law No. 16/2001 (“Legal Framework for the Operations of Casino Games of Fortune”).
He added that the MSAR Government had not yet received any relevant application, either from existing gaming concessionaires or sub-concessionaires, regarding such an extension.
Mr Lei made the comments after a meeting of the Legislative Assembly’s Second Standing Committee, which is responsible for discussion of a bill to amend Law No. 16/2001 (“Legal Framework for the Operations of Casino Games of Fortune”). He and other officials took part in today’s meeting.
The Secretary said the MSAR Government respected fully, and worked to support, the effort of the Legislative Assembly regarding reviewing the bill. He noted that the President of the Legislative Assembly had pledged the body would strive to hold a plenary meeting for a second reading of the bill as soon as possible.
Once the bill had been passed by the Legislative Assembly, the MSAR Government would initiate its procedures to launch a new public tender process for Macao gaming rights, added Mr Lei.
Additionally, after today’s meeting, reporters asked Mr Lei whether the Government planned to launch a new round of the Consumption Subsidy Scheme, in order to spur the local economy. Mr Lei said his team had received an instruction to study the topic, and would make a proposal to the Chief Executive at the earliest possible opportunity. The MSAR Government closely monitored epidemic-related developments, and would take in a timely manner any steps that were deemed necessary. The MSAR Government already had launched previously a number of subsidy measures and other initiatives of benefit to local people, he added.
Regarding the eight aid measures launched in October 2021 for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), certain measures concerning support for SMEs’ financing were still ongoing, said Mr Lei.
For eligible employees, freelance workers and business operators, the allocation of funds had been completed in December 2021, resulting in the distribution of an aggregate 1.85 billion patacas, he added.
The Secretary said the MSAR Government had reserved a total 22.5 billion patacas in its Budget for Fiscal Year 2022, for welfare measures. The amount was the highest since 2019, he added.