Macau Urban Renewal Limited (MUR) and contractors for the temporary and home-swap housing units construction project on Lot P recently met with representatives of the joint management committee of La Baie Du Noble residence and of lawmakers Si Ka Lon, Song Pek Kei and Lei Leong Wong’s office to let them have a better understanding on the project’s progress and the mitigation measures taken to minimise disturbance. Issues about night-time construction, noise, vibration, air quality, monitoring, logistics and communication mechanism were also addressed during the meeting.
As MUR pays close attention to the concerns raised by local associations and residents regarding the construction works on Lot P, a meeting was called for the project’s four contractors, the lawmakers’ office and members of the joint management committee of La Baie Du Noble residence to discuss the matter. About 20 people attended the meeting.
During the meeting, property owners were particularly concerned about the noise, vibration, dust and lighting issues. To minimise the impact the construction has on nearby residents, MUR continues to take stringent measures, such as adopting bored piles to reduce noise disturbance and vibration, installing noise barriers around the construction site and pile driving machinery, adding light shields and adjusting lighting directions to prevent spilling into neighbouring residential units, using water spray to reduce dust emission, as well as optimising transportation schedule of the construction materials.
MUR has also demanded contractors to pay attention to construction safety and hygiene management, and to only allow low noise construction activities to take place during the permitted night-time working hours. In addition, MUR has formulated a series of monitoring check points on nearby roads and buildings. The monitoring items include settlement monitoring, vibration and air quality, among others. Furthermore, an alert warning system has been devised for the prevention of any impact the construction has on the surrounding community and nearby residential buildings. To date, all the monitoring data shows that the buildings’ conditions are all stable and no abnormality has been found. MUR will keep in close contact with the property owners’ representatives through a newly set-up messaging group to provide timely updates on the construction. The projects’ contractors also assured that they would continue to respond to concerns raised by property owners’ representatives.
Moreover, MUR’s official website and social media platforms will be updated monthly so that the general public can check on the project’s progress any time. For enquiries, please call MUR on 2888 2263 during office hours (Mondays to Fridays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., from 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.).