Crimes of armed robberies, attacks and kidnappings have recently happened against Chinese citizens in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (“Congo”). Given the security situation in Congo, Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) alerts Macao residents not to travel to Congo for now. Macao residents who are currently in Congo are urged to pay close attention to the severity of the situation and the security prospect there, enhance their consciousness of risk prevention and leave the country as soon as possible.
In order for every Chinese citizen in Congo to obtain better and prompter consular protection and assistance, the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Democratic Republic of Congo asks Chinese citizens who are within the border of Congo to report their personal information to the Embassy before 20 April 2022 (via the link: https://www.wjx.cn/vj/hs1jEnv.aspx or scan the QR code below). Chinese-funded corporations and their staff who have reported their information through the Commerce Division of the Embassy are not required to report again.
Police contact in Congo: +243-818906284、+243-816770006、+243-827205000
Consular Protection and Assistance of the Chinese Embassy in Congo: +243-851474669
If necessary, Macao residents can call: 24-hour Tourism Hotline (853) 2833 3000, the Chinese Embassy in Congo or the Global Emergency Call Center for Consular Protection and Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 24-hour hotline: +86 10 12308 for assistance.