Consumer Council’s special holiday service will be available from 30 April to 2 May, consumers may lodge enquiries or complaints using “Consumer Online” or via hotline 8988 9315 (24-hour recording service).
Special service from this Saturday to next Monday
As Labour Day holiday is approaching, the Consumer Council carried out promotional work in different areas earlier to remind shop owners to label price clearly and abide by laws.
Special service from the Council will be available from 30 April (Saturday) to 2 May (Monday), responses will be made after complaints are received and necessary assistance will be provided to consumers if needed.
“Consumer Online” convenient for consumers’ complaint
Consumers may scan the QR code of “Consumer Online” or visit the website (https://app.consumer.gov.mo/wapp) to submit the relevant contents or pictures to lodge their complaints. Consumers may check status of their cases on the platform and are welcome to submit information on any infringement via “Consumer Online” or hotline 8988 9315.
Consumers may also choose to send their enquiries or complaints through the Consumer Council’s WeChat account (ConsumerCouncilMaca), e-mail (info@consumer.gov.mo) or fax at 28307816. Follow-up will be made when the Council resumes working after the holiday.
Consumer alert: retain receipt to protect consumer rights
Consumers are reminded to understand clearly details of the product or service they intend to purchase, as well as the terms and restrictions of promotions offered by food and beverage outlets. To safeguard consumer rights and interests, purchase receipt or invoice must be retained after transaction is complete to avoid any consumer dispute that requires proof of purchase.