In order to facilitate the registration for the Third Round Anti-epidemic Electronic Consumption Benefit Scheme for new-born babies who were given birth in Macao, parents lodging first-time application for the Macao Special Administrative Region Resident Identity Card (hereinafter called resident identity card) for their new-born babies at the Identification Services Bureau (DSI) can request help to conduct the registration. After identity cards are completed, DSI will help new-born babies to register for receiving the electronic consumption benefits by means of “consumption card”. The “consumption card” will be distributed at the time of collecting the identity card of their new-born babies.
The registration period of the Electronic Consumption Benefit Scheme is from 10th May 2022 to 13th January 2023. The “consumption card” collection period is from 23rd May 2022 to 17th January 2023. In order to ensure the collection of “consumption card” at the time of issuance of resident identity card to newborn babies within the designated period, citizens should reserve sufficient time to bring their children to go through formalities for the resident identity card at DSI. The issuance of resident identity cards on or before 17th January 2023 will be secured if the formalities are completed on or before 10th January 2023.
Please note that if special expedited service is requested when lodging the resident identity card application for new-born babies, the resident identity card will only be issued on the third day after lodging the application. Also, the “consumption card” will be collected on the day following the issuance of the resident identity card.
Details about the method of collecting the “consumption card” on behalf of registrants and other frequently asked questions, please refer to the designated website of the Electronic Consumption Benefit Scheme (https://www.dsedt.gov.mo/econsumo/zh-hant/index.jsp ).
For inquiries, please call DSI at 28370777or 28370888 or email to info@dsi.gov.mo.