With the collaboration of the CCAC of Macao, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong detected a case where some members of an air-conditioning system supplier from Hong Kong were suspected to offer bribes to the director of the facilities department of a gaming company of Macao. The people involved were all Hong Kong residents and the alleged offences also took place in Hong Kong. According to the information from Hong Kong, the case involved HKD22 million and the bribes amounted to HKD1.5 million. The ICAC recently laid charges against a senior marketing manager who worked in Macao and a then director of the aforesaid supplier. Relevant investigations are still under way.
In November 2018, the CCAC received some anonymous reports claiming that, between 2013 and 2018, some members of an air-conditioning system supplier in Hong Kong, through paying bribes to the director of the facilities department of a gaming company in Macao, secured awards of various works procurement and services contracts. The CCAC subsequently carried out investigations. In February 2019, the CCAC received a request for mutual case assistance from the ICAC. Due to the fact that the persons and the companies targeted were the same as those revealed in the reports, timely notifications were given on the investigation findings and case progresses through intelligence exchanges.
The investigation by the CCAC shows that the director, who was a Hong Kong resident employed by a gaming company of Macao in 2007, was responsible for the procurement and award of repair and maintenance services. According to the information concerning the procurement and award of services of the facilities department provided by the gaming company, the supplier concerned in the case had been awarded various procurement and service contracts, involving a considerably high value.
The investigation also reveals that both of the suspects from the air-conditioning system supplier were Hong Kong residents who had transferred the money to the director via bank accounts of Hong Kong. The entire bribe offering act took place in Hong Kong. The relevant individuals allegedly committed crimes prescribed in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance of Hong Kong. Previously, the ICAC carried out actions, and meanwhile the CCAC also took cooperated actions.