Macau Urban Renewal Limited (MUR) recently visited the Women’sGeneral Associationof Macau and was given a warm welcome by the association’s chairperson Lau Kam Ling. MUR gave a presentation on the local area development plan for Iao Hon Estate in detail, and by rebuilding one block at a time, priority to redevelopment would be given to the block of flat that has a sufficient number of property owners’ consent. MUR is currently assisting property owners of Son Lei House to formally set up an owners’ association and make all necessary preparations for redevelopment.
During the meeting, MUR representatives and the association’s leadership team shared their views on neighbourhood renewal, with a particular focus on the block-by-block development model, allocation of temporary housing units, as well as the addition of parking facilities and commercial space.
MUR Chairperson of the Board of Directors Peter Lam Kam Seng said that the company would continue to co-ordinate and promote the redevelopment of Iao Hon Estate. By not adding any more residential units and not acquiring the ownership of the estate, the redevelopment plan aims to transform the neighbourhood by combining the concepts of stock optimisation, vertical city and walkable neighbourhood to improve the area’s living environment. At present, the design plan for the estate has been preliminarily completed. Based on other urban renewal projects and experience in construction, MUR is confident that, after the demolition of the existing residences, new homes will be built within three to four years’ time. The timetable for redevelopment has always been in the hands of the property owners, who need to be on the same mind to make it happen.
MUR will give the block of flats with a sufficient number of owners’ consent priority to redevelopment. MUR has contacted most of the property owners of Son Lei House, who will hold a general assembly meeting of the condominium owners early next month and set up a management committee for the building. MUR hopes it would unite property owners to push forward the redevelopment process. Meanwhile, temporary housing units, which are being constructed on Lot P, will have the capacity of providing temporary accommodation for over 2,500 property owners of the seven blocks of flats that make up Iao Hon Estate during redevelopment.
The meeting’s attendees include the Women’sGeneral Associationof Macau Supervisory Chairperson Iong Weng Ian, Vice-Chairpersons Lam Un Mui and Loi Iok Man, Vice-President and Secretary-General Chong Ling Ling, Vice-Presidents Wong Kit Cheng and Luo Ping, Deputy Secretary-General and director of the association’s policy research department Wong Leong Kuan, the association’s legislator office assistant director Ip Weng Hong; as well as MUR Vice-Chairperson Leong Keng Seng, Senior Architect Nick Chan Hoi Wa and Urban Planner Joyce Tam Hoi Ian.