During the strike of “Chaba”, certain trees in Macao were damaged to various extents. After the typhoon, the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) has immediately sent staff to handle them and speed up the clearance of garbage in the city. Moreover, during the typhoon, IAM has continued to inspect and clear drains, as well as monitoring the operation of pumping stations, so as to ensure the effective discharge of accumulated water and alleviate flooding as soon as possible, reducing the impact on the life of the public.
With regard to the strike of “Chaba”, IAM found out and received multiple cases of damage of trees. Staff have been sent to clear and support the trees to safeguard public safety. Furthermore, after the cancellation of Tropical Cyclone Signal no. 8, IAM has sent staff to inspect the green facilities managed by IAM and assess their safety level. Parks, gardens and leisure facilities are temporarily closed to the public due to the epidemic. IAM appeals to the public to comply with the anti-epidemic measures and not to enter without permission.
In addition, in order to speed up the clearance of garbage in the streets, the Macau Residue System Company, Ltd. had stepped up collection of garbage in advance before the strike of “Chaba” in Macao. Skips have also been placed in some low-lying areas to cope with the large amount of garbage after the typhoon. After the cancellation of Tropical Cyclone Signal no. 8, the Macau Residue System Company, Ltd. has sent extra vehicles for garbage collection. Meanwhile, the inspection staff have strengthend the inspection of garbage collection facilities in the streets to timely notify the Macau Residue System Company, Ltd. for follow-up.
The drainage personnel of IAM are still on alert and carry out inspections in various districts to continously monitor the operation of the municipal rainwater pumping stations, including checking the pumps, electric water gates, backup power, remote monitoring and control systems in the pumping stations, so as to ensure their normal operation and clear the catch basins blocked by garbage immediately. During the issue of tropical cyclone signals and rainstorm, all the rainwater and sewage pumping stations functioned normally. Under the influence of the rainstorm and the yellow storm surge, flooding occurred in some low-lying areas, such as the southern part of the Inner Harbour. However, the impact of flooding on the northen part of the Inner Harbour was minor. This shows that the Northern Rainwater Pumping Station of Inner Harbour has played a significant role in flood discharge.