In response to the Chief Executive’s dispatch No. 123/2022 which requires personnel entering venues to scan “Venue QR Code”, the Health Bureau has recently processed a large number of urgent applications for Venue QR Codes. From 21 to 24 July, a total of 2,729 venue codes have been processed and generated.
In consideration that some venues including retail stores and convenience stores still do not have Venue QR Code, the Health Bureau has launched a column for “Venue QR Code” application in the platform of “Enquiries and Assistance for COVID-19 Prevention and Control” on 22 July. To apply for a venue code, the applicant only needs to input correct information of the venue and provide a Macao mobile phone number for receiving SMS message.
Points to note:
- If the store is one of the branches, please add the location of the branch after the store name for identification, for example: Smart Appliances (Costa), Fat Kei Store (Tong Wa San Chun);
- During application, it is necessary to upload a proof of the venue, this can be license of the venue, certificate of operation or certificate of business registration; if there is no such proof, please upload the company chop as a proof;
- After the system has generated the Venue QR code, an SMS message containing the link for downloading the Venue QR Code and the account name will be sent to the contact person in the application; the applicant shall then download, save, print and post the Venue QR Code;
- When printing, the Venue QR Code should be printed clearly in a size for easy scanning, either in black and white or in colours;
- The Venue QR Code should be displayed at a conspicuous position at the entrance of the venue, and multiple QR codes can be posted according to the situation of the store to facilitate the scanning of the visitors.
The public are urged to proactively use the Macao Health Code mobile app to scan the Venue QR Code to record their visits so as to improve the efficiency of epidemiological investigations during the epidemic, and stem the spread of the virus in the community as soon as possible as a result.
The link of the platform of “Enquiries and Assistance for COVID-19 Prevention and Control” is https://www.ssm.gov.mo/covidq, or scan QR Code to enter the platform. For enquiry, please call 2870 0800.