Organized byMacao Government Tourism Office (MGTO),the“Experience Macao, Unlimited”CaravanRoadshowSeriesacross the Greater Bay Areaarrives atZhongshan,thesecondstop of itsgrandtour. The roadshow was unveiled atLihe Plazatoday (3 September), whereacaravan is in the spotlightto attract Zhongshanresidents foran impressiveencounter with Macao’selements of“tourism +”untiltomorrow. TheRoadshow Seriesrepresents part ofthe Office’sdiverseeffortstobringtravelerstoMacao fromtheGuangdong-Hong Kong-MacaoGreater Bay Areato propeltourism and economicrecovery.
Deputy Director of MGTO, Cheng Wai Tong,andDeputyDirectorofZhongshanCulture, Radio, TelevisionandTourism Bureau,LuLizhu,attended the opening ceremonywithotherpersonages. In hisaddress, Chengremarkedthatthis roadshowin Zhongshan, as part ofthe “Experience Macao, Unlimited” Caravan RoadshowSeries across the Greater Bay Area,presentsnot only a range of Macao tourism products on special offer, but also Zhongshan-Zhuhai-Macao and Hengqin-Macao tourism information and products, which will enhance the charm of multi-destinationtourism products and itineraries. The showcase promotessharing and extension of tourism resources in the Greater Bay Area. The roadshowaimsto attract Mainlandvisitorsto Macaoandboost mutual visitations between Macao and other cities in the Greater Bay Area, whichhe hopes willmaintainclose cooperation ontheirtourism development.
Caravan takes center stageatroadshow
Thecaravanroadshowbrings to Zhongshana kaleidoscope of travel experiences andfestive vibesMacao has to offer.It is acolorfulshowcase ofthe city’s“tourism+” dimensions rangingfrom events andfestivals, gastronomy, sports, wedding and travel photography to leisure traveland more. Mainland residents can enjoy amultihuedpicture of the destination.
Astunning caravan is transformed into a major stage for shows and interactive moments with audience atLihe Plaza.There areoutdoorinteractive zones featuring themed backdrop for check-ins on social media, graffiti wall, interactive exhibition gallery, game booth, parent-and-child workshop,3D mapping showandother highlights. The six major integrated tourism enterprisesfromMacaorunpromotionalboothsat the roadshow, whereMacao Tourism Mascot MAK MAKwarmly greetsspectatorsto enliven the atmosphere.
Share videosto win pre-wedding photoshoot package
Spectatorscanredeem aspecialgiftof culture and creativityat the gift redemption stationby collectingtherequired number of stamps from different booths. They can take a video at the roadshowto poston Douyinand enteralucky drawfor the chance to win apre-wedding photography package in Macao for one day.
Collaborationin theGreater Bay Areato boost mutual visitations
MGTO has beendevoted totourismexchange and cooperation withdifferentMainland provinces and municipalities towiden their range oftourist marketstogether. The Office invited theEconomic Development Bureau of Executive Committee of Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin as well as the tourism offices of Zhongshan and Zhuhai to jointhisroadshow, to further promote multi-destination travel and boost the flux of visitors amongthecities.Online travel agencies (OTA)are sellingvarioustourism productsofMacao, Zhongshan, Zhuhai andHengqinat the roadshow.
Abundantspecial offersattractvisitors to spend in Macao
Under the brand-new theme “My Treat for You, See You in Macao”, MGTO continues topartner with airline, e-commerce platforms andOTAstoreleasespecial offers on air tickets, hotels andmoreto Mainlandvisitors atdifferentperiodsthroughoutthe year.Hotel discount coupons are successively distributed to visitors on Trip.com,Meituan,Fliggy,Qunar, Ly.com andZhixingApp.
Targeting differentthemes andmarket segmentswhilein sync with theyear-roundcalendar offestive holidays and events, various partner platformsalsoprovide a diversity of Macao travel offers.Visitors can enjoybuy-one-get-one-free air tickets and half-price hotel coupons,as well asspecial offers on shopping, dining and admission tickets to attractions, among other travel experiences.Upon purchase ofanyMacao tourism productwitha50%-offMacao hotel couponby eligiblespectatorsat the roadshows, they will be granted a Macau Pass which contains the value of 50 patacas.
MGTO isunfoldingthe“Experience Macao, Unlimited”Caravan Roadshows Seriesacrossthe Greater Bay Area overan array ofweekends from August to December in partnership with Macao’s leisure tourism businesses,the Mainland’s e-commerce platforms and OTAsamong other entities. Caravans will take center stagein the mini roadshowsas they tour acrossdifferentGuangdong cities.Events and e-marketingarebothpart of thediversecampaigntoattractmoretravelers from theGreater Bay Area tospurlocaltourism and economic revival.