The Identification Services Bureau (DSI) continuously improves online services related to the registration of association and foundation. Starting from 28th September 2022, citizens who lodge the application for the Certificate of Existence of Registration Record of an association or foundation through the “Macao One Account” can choose to receive the certificate in electronic form, which allows citizens to go through the entire application procedures online without leaving home.
Eligible applicants who use their “Macao One Account” to log into the “Macao One Account” mobile application or DSI’s website (dsi.gov.mo) to apply for the Certificate of Existence of Registration Record of an association or foundation can choose to receive the certificate in printed form or electronic form. According to the relevant law, the electronic certificate has an equivalent legal effect as the printed certificate. It will be saved in the applicant's “Macao One Account” and can be presented to other government departments as a proof document.
For details about “Macao One Account”, please visit the government portal website (www.gov.mo).
For enquiries, please call DSI at 2837-0777 or 2837-0888 or email to info@dsi.gov.mo.