The Response and Coordination Centre reminds that, residents, non-resident workers and students who frequently travel between Zhuhai and Macao should pay attention that from 00:00 on 5 November, people aged 5 or above who fail to present proof of having received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine must hold a proof of negative COVID-19 nucleic acid test within 24 hours after the date of sampling when travelling to Macao from Zhuhai City or Shenzhen City of Guangdong Province.
People who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in the Mainland or elsewhere but have not registered their information in the COVID-19 vaccination record system of the Health Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region must also hold a proof of negative COVID-19 nucleic acid test within 24 hours after the date of sampling in order to use the self-service customs clearance system; otherwise, they are required to utilize the manual channels to confirm their COVID-19 vaccination record.
People who have been jabbed but have not registered in the vaccination record system of Macao are appealed to get vaccinated or register as soon as possible. As for people who have been vaccinated in the Mainland or other places, they may apply for registration during the service hours of the COVID-19 vaccination stations without making an appointment.
Please bring along the following documents for registration at a COVID-19 vaccination station:
- The original and photocopy of the COVID-19 vaccination record issued by the official authorities of the place of vaccination for holders of an electronic record, take a screenshot and print out the COVID-19 vaccination record together with the personal identification information, and present the COVID-19 vaccination record with an electronic device during the registration for verification;
- The original and a copy of the personal identification document used at the time of vaccination. For example: ‘Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao’ is used when entering Macao, but the ‘Resident Identity Card’ was used when vaccinating in the Mainland, then the original and copy of the ‘Resident Identity Card’ should be brought; and a passport was used for vaccination overseas, then the original and copy of the passport should be brought.
People who are unvaccinated against COVID-19 are urged to get vaccinated as soon as possible. To make an appointment for vaccination or to check the service hours of the COVID-19 vaccination stations, please visit the following website: https://eservice.ssm.gov.mo/covidvacbook.