The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, today presented awards to a total of 26 recipients, either individuals or organisations, in recognition of respectively either personal achievement, contribution to the community, or distinguished service to the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR).
The 2022 Decorations, Medals and Certificates of Merit Awards Ceremony of the MSAR was held at the Macao Cultural Centre.
The list of awardees was based on recommendations from the Committee of Nomination of Medals and Honorary Titles.
Decorations of Honour are in the categories: Grand Lotus, Golden Lotus, and Silver Lotus. Such awards are for individuals or entities that have made outstanding contributions either locally or outside to the image and reputation of the MSAR, or for those individuals or entities that have made exceptional contributions in any field beneficial to the development of the MSAR.
- Decoration of Honour – Golden Lotus
Tung Sin Tong Charitable Society
- Decoration of Honour – Silver Lotus
Banco Nacional Ultramarino, S.A.
Tai Fung Bank Ltd.
Macau Red Cross
Lai Kin Hong
There are seven types of Medal of Merit. They are to recognise respectively: those individuals or entities that have had notable or excellent performance in professional service; those that have had notable or excellent performance in the industry and commerce sector, or have made contributions to the development of the sector; and those that have made significant contribution to the promotion and development of the tourism sector.
Medals of Merit also recognise: those that have had notable or excellent performance in the education sector; those that have made active contributions towards the development of the culture and arts sector; those that have made significant contributions to the philanthropy and social service sector; or those that have obtained outstanding rankings in international, regional or national sports events, or that have made notable contributions in the area of sports.
- Medal of Merit – Professions
Macao Water Supply Company Ltd.
Companhia de Electricidade de Macau - CEM, S.A.
Mo Hui
- Medal of Merit – Industry and Commerce
China Taiping Insurance (Macau) Co., Ltd.
Transmac – Transportes Urbanos de Macau, SARL
Humberto Carlos Leitão Rodrigues
- Medal of Merit – Tourism
Macau Hoteliers & Innkeepers Association
- Medal of Merit – Education
Hou Kong Middle School
Lou Lan Heng Monica
Lei Cheok Kin
- Medal of Merit – Culture
Confraternity of Macanese Gastronomy (Confraria da Gastronomia Macaense)
Lok Hei
Kuok Keng Man
Chan Nga Lei
- Medal of Merit – Philanthropy
Pun Chi Meng
- Medal of Merit – Sports
Green-Wave Swimming Club
Medals for Distinguished Service are in the following categories: Medal for Bravery, Medal for Dedication, and Medal for Community Service. They are awarded either to individuals or entities for outstanding performance either in their duties, or in response to a public incident, or in community service.
- Medal for Distinguished Service – Medal for Dedication
Information Department of the Government Information Bureau
Financial Infrastructure and Information Technology Department of the Monetary Authority of Macao
- Medal for Distinguished Service – Medal for Community Service
Macau Construction Machinery Engineering Association
Certificates of Merit, including Honorific Title – Prestige, and Honorific Title – Merit, commend those who have made a major contribution either to the reputation, development or social progress of the MSAR, and are worthy of respect and recognition in the community.
- Honorific Title – Merit
Chan Pak Ian
Choi Ka Wai