The Spring Festival Golden Week is about to unfold between 21 and 27 January 2023.The outlook is bright for visitor arrivals during the Golden Week with recent easing of Macao’s border measures.Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) has beencarrying out avarietyof preparationstowelcome visitors. Great effortsare poured topromote and organize festivities, while more rigorous patrols are conducted. The Office maintains communication with industry operators to safeguardthe quality of tourism services. The above endeavors are made so that residents and visitors can enjoy a memorable Chinese New Year and the economy can regain momentum more readily.
More rigoroussupervision andpatrols
Tourism Hotlineoperatesround the clock
During theGolden Week, the Office willstep uppatrols at various tourist spots, ports of entry and districts, besidesscrutinizinghotelsand MGTO-licensed catering establishments,asMGTO inspectors stand by round-the-clock.In consideration of the latest situation, the Office will duly adjust manpower at Tourist Information counters, while the operator service of MGTO’s Tourism Hotline (853) 2833 3000 will attend tovisitors’enquiries 24-hours as usual.
There has beenrecentpublicfeedback about irregular room pricing of local hotels on certain booking platforms. MGTO haswritten to hotel operators to ask for theirattentiontothe salesmethods and operationsof these platforms.Upon discovery of any irregularroom pricing, they can follow up immediately to safeguard the destination’simage and ensure the tourism industryissteadily recovering.
In order to safeguard visitor rights and tourism quality, MGTO hasalsosentwritten remindersto industry operatorsregarding theirmaintenance ofhygiene, fire safety, guest capacity, opening hours, guidelineon visitor reception, requirement for hotels and catering establishments to declare price lists as well as for hotels to keep records of hotel guest information upon check-in,among other concerns.
MGTO maintains close contactand sharesinformationwith theEconomic and Technological Development Bureau,Consumer Council,Macao Customs Service,Marine and Water Bureau, Transport Bureau and so forth.The Office alsoremains inclose communication with Mainland tourism authorities through the establishedcommunicationscheme fortimelyexchange of information, joining hands tooverseethe tourist marketproperly.
Smart application for visitor flows eases visitors’ trip experience
MGTO encourages visitors to harness the “smart application for visitor flows”and check theforecastof visitor flows atover 109tourist attractions in Macaoonthe website:https://poimonitor.macaotourism.gov.mo,which will ease theirtravel experiencein town.By accessingthe Public Security Police Force’s “Real-Time Information Platform of Border Ports”:https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/pspmonitorvia mobile phone or computer,visitors canalsocheck real-time border-crossing images at various ports of entry,hence choosing the suitable timing of arrival and departure.
Welcome visitorswith“CNY 123”
During Chinese New Year,MGTOwill organizetheGolden Dragon Parade,two float parades namely the“2023Parade for Celebration of the Year of the Rabbit”,and three fireworks shows known as theChinese New Year Fireworks Display. Visitors can conveniently learn aboutMacao’sfestiveeventsandlatest tourism information through MGTO’s website:https://www.macaotourism.gov.moorby following MGTO’s WeChat ID “MGTOweixin”.
MoreChinese New Year festivities willenliven the citysuch as Lunar New Year Market, activities of selling and lighting fireworks and firecrackers, the new project “Strolling through Almeida Ribeiro”,communitysports events, outdoor concert as well as celebrations held by the tourism sector and community organizations, to celebrate this festive season joyfully with residents and visitors.The range of preferential measures and wondrous diversity of events are expected to increase visitors’ length of stay and spendingfortourism and economic revival.
Online and offline promotional campaign
MGTOhas been marshalling initiatives to spotlight Macao’s destination glamour and Chinese New Year festivities on online and offline platforms before and around the holidays. Posts and live streams are released on social media. Themed event pages are created in partnership with Mainland travel platforms. Travel influencers are invited to promote and conduct live streams on their own channels. Advertisements are placed on TV channels, among othermarketing efforts. The “Experience Macao, Unlimited” promotional campaign will carry on to showcase the monthly myriad of wonderful city highlights.
Release of provisional figures online
For the public’s information, MGTO’s online platform Macao Tourism Data plus will post provisional visitor arrival figures of every previous day between22 – 28 Januaryduring the Golden Week.In addition, MGTO’s website and Macao Tourism Industry Net also regularly publish the declared room rates of local hotels and guest houses in all room categories.