Since its opening, Temporary Leisure Area in Doca do Lam Mau has become very popular among the public and the sandpit has become a must-go for children who go there to play. To ensure the safety of users and environmental hygiene of the sandpit area, the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) will carry out the monthly cleaning and maintenance work of the sandpit area, including stirring, drying by sunlight, sifting, raking and disinfection of the sand, etc. on 15 March. At the same time, sand replenishment will be carried out to maintain the quality of the sandpit area.
This maintenance work will last for one day, and the sandpit area will be reopened to the public on 16 March. In case of adverse weather and other conditions, the reopening will be postponed. IAM appeals to the public for their understanding for the inconvenience caused during the temporary closure. For enquiries, the public can call the Civic Service Hotline 2833 7676.