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Health statistics 2022

Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that there were 1,965 doctors and 2,863 nurses in Macao at the end of 2022, up by 4.1% and 4.4% year-on-year respectively. Number of doctors and nurses per 1,000 population rose by 0.1 and 0.3 to 2.9 and 4.3 respectively.

Inpatient beds in the 4 hospitals in Macao totalled 1,721 at the end of 2022, a decrease of 23 year-on-year. Number of inpatients grew by 3.8% to 61,000, and the average hospital stay increased by 0.5 day to 8.2 days. The occupancy rate of inpatient beds went down by 1.1 percentage points to 69.6%.

Hospital outpatient consultations dropped by 1.6% year-on-year to 1,931,000, averaging 2.9 consultations per capita; women accounted for 61.1% of the total; consultations by the population aged 65 and above increased by 16.9% to 492,000 (25.5% of total). Analysed by medical department, consultations in Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation (237,000) took up 12.3% of the total, followed by those in Chinese Medicine (224,000) and Internal Medicine (216,000).

Emergency service recipients totalled 373,000, down by 4.2% year-on-year. Surgical operations performed went down by 4.5% to 18,000 cases, of which Ophthalmology operations (3,486 cases) grew by 3.8%.

In 2022, there were 730 primary health care establishments (including public health centres, private clinics, etc.). Total number of consultations decreased by 8.2% year-on-year to 3,135,000, averaging 4.6 consultations per capita. Consultations at government health care establishments fell by 13.1% to 762,000.

A total of 503,000 doses of inactivated COVID-19 vaccine (-37.4%) and 191,000 doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (+11.6%) were administered in 2022.

Number of blood donations rose by 3.1% year-on-year to 18,214 in 2022. A total of 12,681 persons donated blood, an increase of 2.9%, and 3,002 were first-time donors, down by 10.0%.

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