Temporary housing project enters typical floor construction phase
To provide property owners affected by urban renewal projects with rental accommodation during the redevelopment of their residential flats, Macau Urban Renewal Limited (MUR) is progressively pushing forward the project of temporary housing on Lot P in Areia Preta, where pile foundation, excavation, floor structure and waterproofing works have been completed. The project is currently entering the typical floor construction phase, with fitting-out works scheduled to take place in the second half of 2023. The project is expected to be completed in the second half of 2024.
2 public roads to ease traffic in the area
Under the layout plan, Lot P will have eight residential towers consisting of about 2,000 temporary housing units and a sufficient number of parking spaces for cars and motorcycles. Two 24-metre-wide public roads, each consisting of a dual four-lane road and pavements, would be built there to help ease traffic flow in the area. In addition, there will be a bus interchange on the ground floor, open green space and a pedestrian street to connect nearby neighbourhoods to create a liveable and convenient environment.
BIM for better construction process; prefabrication for over 1,000 staircases
The project adopts the Building Information Modelling (BIM) process to generate 3D models to detect construction issues and resolve them before the commencement of site construction works and uses BIM to generate as-built drawings for construction efficiency. Prefabrication is also applied in the project, where over 1,000 precast concrete staircases are manufactured in a factory and are then delivered to the construction site for direct assembly. This process helps improve construction efficiency and quality while reducing construction materials.
Paving way to build consensus for old neighbourhood renewal
Moreover, MUR is actively assisting property owners of Iao Hon Estate to discuss the redevelopment concept plan, envision the goals of urban renewal, encourage property owners to stand together and help property owners organise condominium owners’ general assembly meetings to set up management committees, as well as organising meetings with property owners to build a solid foundation for neighbourhood renewal works to be carried out later. MUR will continuously arrange for property owners of old neighbourhoods to visit temporary housing show flats for a better understanding of the project, boosting their confidence in the redevelopment process.