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CE attends opening ceremony of the 6th China International Import Expo and Hongqiao International Economic Forum

The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, attends the opening ceremony of the 6th China International Import Expo and Hongqiao International Economic Forum held in Shanghai.

(Macao – 5 November 2023) The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, attended the opening ceremony of the 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE) and Hongqiao International Economic Forum, held in Shanghai this morning.

President Xi Jinping mentioned in a letter he sent to the 6th CIIE, that China would always present important globe-wide opportunities for development, and would firmly advance its high-standard opening up. The Premier of the State Council, Mr Li Qiang, delivered a keynote speech at the opening of the 6th CIIE, containing a pledge that China had made – and would continue to make – the process of economic globalisation more open, inclusive, balanced, and beneficial to all.

After the opening ceremony, Mr Ho gave a brief presentation to Premier Li about the content of the Macao Special Administrative Region’s (MSAR’s) exhibits in the Macao Zone of the China Pavilion at CIIE, and the city’s overall direction for development. The theme of the Macao portion of the exhibition is "Macao - New Era and New Achievements". It covers three main themes: "adhering to advancing with the times and improving governance levels"; "persisting in pioneering and innovation to promote sustained and healthy economic development"; and "looking forward to Macao's future development blueprint".

The theme of the 6th CIIE is "New Era, Shared Future" and the event is being hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. Macao has two exhibition areas that showcase ‘Made in Macao’ items, Macao brands, and food and drink from Portuguese-speaking countries, the other zone promotes services and information covering a variety of fields, including Macao’s tax-related services, and other professional services. Thus, this second zone showcases the business environment and trade development opportunities in Macao, and in the Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, as well as Macao’s role as a platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries.

It is the sixth consecutive year – since the first CIIE gathering in 2018 – that Macao has had a delegation of Macao entrepreneurs actively participating at a CIIE event. The CIIE has become an important channel for Macao enterprises to “go global”, and expand into mainland and overseas markets. This year’s Macao business delegation consists of nearly 50 people, about 80 percent of them engaged in industries related to Macao’s “1+4” development strategy for appropriate economic diversification. The CIIE serves as a window for fostering connections and exchanges with global merchants, in line with Macao’s Development Plan for Appropriate Economic Diversification, and makes use of China’s large-market advantages for the expansion of business opportunities, and achievement of mutual benefits.

In the evening of Saturday (4 November), Mr Ho attended a welcoming dinner held at the CIIE. Also present at the event was the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Lei Wai Nong. Mr Lei met, and exchanged views with, the Macao-entrepreneur delegation participating in this year’s CIIE.

Mr Ho returned to Macao this evening.

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