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Rental statistics for the 3rd quarter of 2023

Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that the average rent per square metre of usable area for residential units in Macao was MOP130 in the third quarter of 2023, up by 0.8% quarter-on-quarter. Among the districts with a relatively high number of lease declarations, the average rents for residential units in NATAP (MOP153), Barca (MOP116) and NAPE & Aterros da Baía da Praia Grande (MOP131) increased by 4.8%, 2.7% and 1.6% respectively, whereas the average rent for those in Horta e Costa & Ouvidor Arriaga (MOP149) decreased by 0.7%.

In terms of usable area, the average rents per square metre for residential units with an area of 150 square metres or over, for those with a floor area of less than 50 square metres and for those with an area between 50 and 99.9 square metres were MOP120, MOP160 and MOP129 respectively, up by 2.6%, 1.3% and 0.8% quarter-on-quarter. Meanwhile, the average rent for those with a floor area between 100 and 149.9 square metres held stable at MOP118.

As regards non-residential units, the average rent per square metre of usable area for shops increased by 1.0% quarter-on-quarter to MOP495 in the third quarter, with the rents for those in ZAPE (MOP719), Areia Preta & Iao Hon (MOP497) and Baixa da Taipa (MOP765) rising by 4.1%, 0.8% and 0.7% respectively. On the other hand, the average rents for shops in NAPE & Aterros da Baía da Praia Grande (MOP622) and Barca (MOP375) dropped by 0.6% and 0.5% respectively.

The average rent per square metre of usable area for office units went down by 1.0% quarter-on-quarter to MOP302, while that for industrial units climbed by 1.6% to MOP124.

In comparison with the third quarter of 2022, the average rents for shops and industrial units showed respective growth of 6.0% and 1.6%, while the average rents for office units and residential units decreased by 4.4% and 3.0% respectively.

Data of Rental Statistics are obtained from the declarations of leasing of real estate for property tax of the Financial Services Bureau. The type of building unit is classified according to the end-use in property registration. Statistical coverage includes rental of the entire building unit with an unexpired lease, excluding units owned by the SAR Government or charitable organisations, etc.

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