The Commissioner Against Corruption Chan TszKing participated in the 13th General Meeting of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) by videoconference this evening.
At the meeting, the joining of numerous new members was endorsed and, according to the Constitution, the reappointment of the Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong, Woo Ying-ming, as the President of the IAACA for three years was also endorsed, among the others. Moreover, at the meeting, the initiatives for 2024 were set, including continuously and jointly prevent and combat corruption crimes, jointly organising the 8th Symposium with the ICAC, organising a series of training courses and workshops and expanding liaison between the IAACA and the international and regional anti-corruption organisations, etc.
Established in Beijing in 2006, the IAACA is an important platform for experience sharing and exchange among anti-corruption institutions from different countries and regions. Up to now, over 160 anti-corruption institutions from different countries and regions have joined the IAACA as members. One of the objectives of the IAACA is to promote and take forward the effective implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and to strengthen international cooperation among anti-corruption institutions from different countries and regions in combating crimes of corruption.