2023 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Macanese writer Henrique de Senna Fernandes (1923–2010), to whom the Review of Culture (RC) dedicates issue No. 73, the last International Edition issue of the year.
Henrique de Senna Fernandes is one of the greatest authors in Macao, who published a diverse array of articles, essays, short stories, and novels. Some of his works, such as Amor e Dedinhos de Pé and The Bewitching Braid (A Trança Feiticeira), have been adapted to film in the 1990s, by Portuguese director Luís Filipe Rocha and Chinese director Cai Yuan Yuan, respectively.
This special issue, prepared in collaboration with the writer's son, Miguel de Senna Fernandes, contributes to the preservation of this important literary legacy that genuinely reflects the history of Macao. A handful of authors was involved in the task of presenting 11 articles dedicated to Henrique de Senna Fernandes and his literary production, making up a journey through literary genre, aesthetic production, sociological perspective, female representation in his literature and film adaptation of the work of this famous Macao writer.
The Review of Culture, published by the Cultural Affairs Bureau and edited by the Centre for Macau Studies of the University of Macau, adopts peer review process, and welcomes contributions of articles written in Portuguese, English, or Chinese. Please, contact the editorial team at 88228131, during office hours, or through the e-mail cms.rc@um.edu.mo for any enquires.
The journal is available for purchase at the Public Information Centre, Archives of Macao, and Plaza Cultural Macau, among other sellers, which are listed at www.icm.gov.mo/academics/en/sellingBook, at the price of MOP 150. It is also available on the Cultural Affairs Bureau Online Book Shop (www.icm.gov.mo/bookshop) with discounts. After placing their order, readers in Macao can select from 13 public libraries (in Macao Peninsula, Taipa and Coloane) under the Cultural Affairs Bureau to pick up their orders, while overseas readers will receive the journal through the Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau EMS service.
For more information, please contact us at 83996220, during office hours, or through the e-mail publications@icm.gov.mo.