In order to facilitate the replacement of identity card for Macao residents, besides the seven government self-service centers for residents to lodge applications and collect documents using self-service kiosks, starting from 15th March 2024, DSI launched online service for permanent resident identity card renewal on “Macao One Account”, making residents get their documents done in only one visit.
Holders of Macao Special Administrative Region permanent resident identity card who reached the age of 18 on the latest issuance date of their identity card can lodge the application for renewal of permanent resident identity card through “Macao One Account” within 6 months before the expiry date of identity card or after the identity card expires.
After logging in to the “Macao One Account”, residents can use the “Permanent Resident Identity Card Renewal” service to lodge the renewal application. Applicants are required to use the “photos for identification document” in “My Photos” of “Macao One Account” which was taken in the past 12 months as the identity card photo. After documents are produced, applicants have to collect the document at DSI in person within office hours, and at the same time go through the remaining procedures including photo-taking, fingerprint collection and height measurement (only relevant to applicants who have not reached the age of 25 on the latest issuance date of their identity card).
Since the introduction of the new version of resident identity card, DSI has processed over 40,000 identity card applications, among which 60% of residents used self-service kiosks to lodge their applications. DSI calls on eligible persons to lodge application by electronic means in higher priority. For further details, please visit DSI website (www.dsi.gov.mo). For persons who are ineligible to lodge application by electronic means or have reached the age of 60, they have priority in making appointment for lodging application at counters by using “secured tickets”. For enquiries, please call DSI hotline (2837-0777 or 2837-0888) or email to info@dsi.gov.mo.