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Cheong Weng Chon: Contribute to building Macao into an international metropolis

The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Mr Cheong Weng Chon, said that his department’s team would work diligently and responsibly, adhering to the requirements put forward by Director Xia Baolong, in order to make due contributions to polishing the “golden business card” of Macao as an international metropolis.

Achievement of such tangible results would herald the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the 25th anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland.

Mr Xia, the Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the Director of the State Council’s Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, arrived in Macao on Monday (13 May) for a seven-day inspection and research tour.

Secretary Cheong said that at this important development stage – the 25th anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland – Director Xia was once again visiting Macao for inspection and research, a visit that provided important guidance on Macao's development, and one which fully reflected the central authorities’ care for, and support of, Macao.

During a meeting with entrepreneurs at the Macao Chamber of Commerce, Director Xia pointed out that Macao has the greatest institutional advantage of the “One country, two systems” principle. Macao retains its capitalist system and lifestyle, while sharing the broad mainland China market and development opportunities. Fully supported by the country, Macao is the apple of the country’s eye. The country is always the solid support for Macao, and will satisfy requests by Macao. Mr Xia encouraged people in all walks of life in Macao to make better use of the city's unique status and advantages, polish Macao’s golden business card as an international metropolis, and make further contributions in four major areas, including promoting appropriate economic diversification.

Director Xia also made a series of speeches on improving the development of the city’s legal system, implementing the principle of “patriots governing Macao”, improving people’s livelihoods, strengthening external exchanges, and comprehensively improving governance capabilities and levels. Mr Xia provided important and clear guidance and requirements for the next step of work in the field of administrative and legal affairs.

Secretary Cheong said that, under the leadership and with support of the central authorities, the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Government would strictly implement the “One country, two systems” principle, and the Basic Law of the MSAR; continue to improve the legal system and enforcement mechanism for the implementation of the Basic Law; resolutely safeguard the overall jurisdiction of the central authorities; and steadfastly implement the principles of “One country, two systems”, and “patriots governing Macao”.

The MSAR Government would continue to strengthen coordination on legislative matters, scientifically formulate legislative plans, improve legislative efficiency, and promote the MSAR’s appropriate economic diversification.

In conjunction with the MSAR’s anniversary celebrations this year, the MSAR Government would strengthen in various ways the publicity for, and promotion of, the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, the Basic Law of the MSAR, the Law on Safeguarding National Security and other laws, and build a solid foundation for Macao society, especially for young people, in order to encourage the noble traditions of love for the country and Macao, and to strengthen patriotism.

Secretary Cheong stated that the Government would vigorously and determinedly promote administrative reform, deepen e-government, simplify administrative procedures, enhance administrative performance, continuously improve the governance capacity and level of the MSAR, and provide citizens with better and more user-friendly public services. The MSAR Government would actively respond to people’s expectations and promote, in an orderly manner, municipal construction such as recreational areas, continuously improve municipal services such as market management, and enhance the happiness and sense of gain among the general public.

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