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Slava’s Snowshow Box office frenzy and special session for disadvantaged groups

Slava’s Snowshow

The Cultural Affairs Bureau would like the public to note that, after a consistently strong demand since the opening of the box office, all tickets for Slava’s Snowshow have been sold out. Running four performances from 6 to 8 September at the Cultural Centre’s Grand Auditorium, Snowshow is a tale without words created by Slava Polunin, the most celebrated living clown in the world, taking family audiences into a whimsical fantasy world. Described to have grown from the same essence of dreams and fairy tales, the show unveils a visual blend of poetry, tragicomedy and physical theatre featuring an intense confetti storm, a gigantic spider web and colourful balls bouncing through the audience.

In order to allow a broader access to cultural and art, the Cultural Affairs Bureau is hosting a charity performance in cooperation with the Social Welfare Bureau, inviting disadvantaged groups to join this sensory performance.

For further information, please visit and For enquiries contact +853 2840 0555.

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