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Unmanned aircraft activities are banned during Macao SAR Government event

The Macao SAR Government will ban all unmanned aircraft activities within 500 meters of The Complex of Commerce and Trade Co-operation Platform for China and Portuguese-speaking Countries on the 28th of September and 13th of October 2024 (full day) to ensure that the Macao SAR Government event will be carried out smoothly.

The Macao SAR Government will ban all unmanned aircraft activities during the Macao SAR Government event to ensure the smooth progress of the event.

In accordance with the powers granted to the Civil Aviation Authority in Article 66 of the Air Navigation Regulation of Macao approved in the Executive Order No. 43/2021, the Authority will ban all unmanned aircraft activities within 500 meters of The Complex of Commerce and Trade Co-operation Platform for China and Portuguese-speaking Countries on the 28th of September and 13th of October 2024 (full day) to ensure that the event will be carried out smoothly. Except the unmanned aircraft operations performed by the SAR Government, all other unmanned aircraft activities are banned on the above dates and areas. Anyone who violates it will be fined for MOP2, 000.00 to MOP20, 000.00 by the Authority.

The above notice is published in today’s Official Gazette No. 39, Supplement of Series II.

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