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“Lotus Flower in Full Bloom” corroded by bird droppings and requires cleaning and maintenance, for which IAM urges not to feed birds

Inspection staff found that someone had disposed of food to feed wild birds in the Lotus Square.

During regular inspections, the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) found that part of the surface of the “Lotus Flower in Full Bloom” sculpture located in the Lotus Square had been corroded by bird droppings. Therefore, the sculpture has to be enclosed temporarily for cleaning and maintenance. Members of the public are reminded not to enter the works area for the sake of their safety.

Besides, the inspection staff found a lot of bread crumbs used to feed wild birds at the Lotus Square. In order to keep public areas clean and hygienic, IAM will strengthen inspections and law enforcement, and urges the residents and tourists not to feed wild birds. Individuals who violate the relevant regulation may be fined 600 patacas.

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