During 22 to 27 September 2024, the Financial Intelligence Office of the Unitary Police Service (GIF) coordinated the Interdepartmental AML/CFT Working Group (AML/CFT WG) members to participate as Macao, China delegation in the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) Annual Meeting in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
The main focus of this APG Annual Meeting was to discuss the mutual evaluation reports (MERs) of 4 member jurisdictions. Other agenda topics included the next mutual evaluation (ME) schedule and preparation for the next round of APG MEs, newly revised ME procedures and follow-up processes, as well as the latest trends and typologies in money laundering and terrorist financing. This year’s annual meeting was attended by delegates of the AML/CFT Working Group, namely the Commission against Corruption of Macao, the Macao Customs Service, the Judiciary Police, the Legal Affairs Bureau, the Monetary Authority of Macao, the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau and GIF.
As a member of APG, the Macao SAR has been proactively participating in the activities of international organizations. On behalf of the Macao SAR, GIF has nominated a representative to serve as one of the co-chairs of the “Mutual Evaluation Committee” of the APG since 2013, for a term till 2025, who had chaired the discussion of 2 MERs at this year’s MEC meeting. Besides, 4 delegates of GIF also participated as either assessor or reviewer respectively in the ME of 4 jurisdictions during 2024.
GIF will continue, by coordinating with the AML/CFT WG, to participate in the events of international organizations, so as to keep abreast of the latest standards and requirements of international organizations to combat money laundering, to prepare for the next round of ME of Macao, China, and continue to enhance and promote the implementation of the laws and regulations on AML/CFT.