The Consultative Committee on Municipal Affairs convened a meeting on 2 January to elect the Chairman and Vice Chairman of 2025-2026 through internal voting in accordance with the stipulations of Article 14 of Law no. 9/2018 “Establishment of Municipal Affairs Bureau”. After voting by the members, Hoi Lok Man is the Chairwoman of the Consultative Committee on Municipal Affairs and Kou Ngon Fong is the Vice Chairman.
Chief Executive Writ of Instructions no. 213/2024 was previously published in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR. Exercising the power conferred by Article 50 of the “Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region” and in accordance with Articles 14 and 15 of Law no. 9/2018 “Establishment of Municipal Affairs Bureau”, the Chief Executive renews 7 members and appoints 18 members of the Consultative Committee on Municipal Affairs of IAM for a tenure of 2 years from 1 January 2025. The Consultative Committee on Municipal Affairs convened a meeting and elected the Chairman and Vice Chairman through internal voting according to the stipulations.
Voters who were present at the meeting of the Consultative Committee on Municipal Affairs included Chan Peng Peng, Chan Ka Keng, Cheng Son Meng, Ho Eric King Fung, Hoi Lok Man, Lam Ka Chun, Si Nei Na, Lei Chong In, Kou Ngon Fong, Chan U Iong, Yeong Chan Iat, Chan Ngoi Chon, Tai Ka Peng, Chong Leng Leng, Choi Tat Meng, André Duarte Xavier Sales Ritchie, Cheang Ka Leong, Lee Tak Lim, Pang Teng Kit Daniel, Wu Kim Kam, Wong Seng Fat, Chao Ka Chon, Au Weng Hei and Choi Seng Hon.