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43% of Employers Have Not Paid Contributions; FSS Calls on Prompt Use of “Business & Associations Platform” and “Macao One Account” for Their Payments

As of 20 January, about 18,000 employers have yet to pay the obligatory system contributions for their employees under the Social Security System for the fourth quarter of 2024, representing about 43% of the total employers required to pay contributions. The Social Security Fund (abbreviated to FSS in Macao) calls on employers and residents to utilise the “Business & Associations Platform” or the “Macao One Account” to make payments as soon as possible, especially with the approaching long Lunar New Year holiday, to avoid overdue payments and long queues.

For employers whose employee employment status has remained unchanged during the quarter and whose employee data has been submitted through the “Business & Associations Platform” or the “Social Security Fund’s Electronic Filing System” within the time limit, they can pay the obligatory system contributions and the employment fee for non-resident workers via the “Business & Associations Platform” or “Macao One Account” within the month. Additionally, if using the electronic payment methods of designated banks, employers can check the payment advice number and the payable amount on the FSS’s online platform ( before making the payment.

Beneficiaries of the arbitrary system can also make payments using the "Macao One Account", designated banks’ electronic channels and counters, JETCO network ATMs, and self-service machines.

According to the law, employers who are late in making payments must pay late interest and fines. Failure to pay the employment fee for non-resident workers on time, if any, may result in penalties and could also serve as the basis for revoking the employment permit. For beneficiaries of the arbitrary system, overdue contributions cannot be paid unless they are paid with late interest within two months after the statutory deadline.

The FSS calls on the prompt use of convenient and efficient electronic payment methods. If residents need to visit a service point, it is also recommended to use the appointment service or get a ticket number online. For more information, please visit the FSS’s website at, or call 2853 2850 during office hours for enquiries.

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